The heart is amazing! Whether you are looking at it from a spiritual, emotional, or physical perspective your heart is a sign of life.
The question today: "How do you know your heart is stressed?"
5 Signs Your Heart is Stressed
You're more tired than usual
You might be tired because of stress if you:
- Have a hard time sleeping.
- Feel exhausted after a full night's sleep.
- Have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, even though you've slept well and feel rested.
- Feel like your energy level has dropped dramatically over the last few months or years.
(If you would like my Sleep Notes you can click here to read them or text SLEEP to 405-655-5424)
You feel anxious or depressed
If you're feeling anxious or depressed, it's likely that your heart is stressed. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, nervousness, or uneasiness that can be triggered by something specific (like an upcoming meeting) or generalized (the stress of everyday life). Depression is also characterized by low mood and aversion to activity.
(If you are curious about how stressed you are you can check out my Stress Quiz here.)
You have trouble concentrating
- Stress can make it hard to focus on one thing.
- Brain fog or headaches can also be a sign.
You notice it's harder to make decisions
The process of decision-making is a complex one and can be influenced by stress. Stress can interfere with your ability to think clearly, which is why many people feel confused or overwhelmed when they are under stress. It might seem like an easy fix: just take some time off and relax! However, if we are having a hard time making decisions it's hard to know what to do or how to relax. Often it's a Heart-Brain connection issue and that has to be connected to lower the stress and heal.
You have chest pain or palpitations
Chest pain or palpitations are often the wake-up call symptoms. Yes, they can be a sign of a heart attack and also common symptoms of other cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and arrhythmia. But, so can anxiety and overwhelm.
If you are having chest pain- often described as a squeezing sensation in the chest that may radiate to other areas of your body (such as arms or shoulders) then it's always a good idea to see a doctor.
Palpitations are an awareness of your heartbeat--you might feel like it's racing or skipping beats--and they're usually harmless unless accompanied by other symptoms like shortness of breath or sweating profusely, again always good to get checked out.
If you do experience any of these symptoms your heart is stressed.
If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor. Your heart is an important organ- it's needed to live and it can be stressed out by many factors in your life. If your doctor has given you a "normal" diagnosis or told you to lower your stress - that's always a catch-22. If you knew how to lower your stress you probably wouldn't be having the symptoms in the first place.
However, a "normal" diagnosis does not mean your heart is not stressed. Don't ignore the 5 Signs Your Heart is Stressed. Be happy that you are listening to the symptoms before you receive a diagnosis and have an opportunity to make a change. If you have been given a diagnosis- medications are not necessarily going to lower your stress- just the symptoms.
However, a "normal" diagnosis does not mean your heart is not stressed. Don't ignore the 5 Signs Your Heart is Stressed. Be happy that you are listening to the symptoms before you receive a diagnosis and have an opportunity to make a change. If you have been given a diagnosis- medications are not necessarily going to lower your stress- just the symptoms.
I hope this information has helped you understand that these signs and symptoms are signs your heart- whether spiritual, emotional, or physical is stressed. And if you don't know how to lower your stress well that's where I come in. As a stress expert, I am all about finding solutions to living a life of less stress and more energy- what I call an exceptional life. Because I think we can all agree "normal" is highly overrated.
This month, I am focusing on the heart and as a HeartMath Certified Practioner for Stress, Anxiety, and Emotional Regulation through The Institute for Better Health (BHI) and HeartMath. I will be teaching a series of 6 Masterclasses that will deep dive into the Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Heart, HRV, The Heart-Brain Connection, and 6 Techniques to Improve YOUr Heart Health today. If you would like more information please click the button below.