Are YOU Stuck in Freeze? Understanding the Blue Zone of Stress

Are YOU Stuck in Freeze? Understanding the Blue Zone of Stress
Feeling exhausted, foggy, and unable to break free, no matter how much you rest? You might be experiencing the "Freeze state," a condition where your nervous system is stuck in conservation mode after prolonged stress. This state mimics locking up while driving at high speed, as your body hits the brakes to preserve energy, leaving you feeling disconnected and fatigued despite pushing through daily tasks.

Signs of being in the Freeze state include extreme fatigue, brain fog, a sluggish metabolism, and feeling stuck or numb. Often mistaken for simply being tired, these symptoms persist even with rest, prompting many to rely on temporary solutions like caffeine. Over time, ignoring these signs leads to greater burnout, leaving your body demanding rest and recovery through more severe signals like chronic pain or deep fatigue.

To move beyond the Freeze state, begin listening to your body's needs for rest, safety, and rejuvenation. Embrace activities that support your nervous system, such as short naps, breathwork, time in nature, and intentional relaxation. Your body is designed to transition between action and rest, so by understanding and responding to these natural rhythms, you can start restoring balance and healing from stress overload.

Are YOU Stuck in Overwhelm? Understanding the Red Zone of Stress

Are YOU Stuck in Overwhelm? Understanding the Red Zone of Stress
Feeling overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list, juggling various responsibilities, and pushing through exhaustion are familiar scenarios for many. When we are in such a high-stress state without giving our bodies the chance to reset, we enter what is known as the Red Zone, a phase of chronic stress that leaves us running on empty. Rather than thriving, the constant hustle results in burnout and a feeling that we're merely surviving on fumes.

The Stress Continuum provides a framework to understand how our bodies react to stress, ranging from the calm and resilient Blue Zone, through short-term adaptive stress responses in the Yellow and Green Zones, to the Red Zone—where stress becomes overwhelming and leads to burnout. This chronic stress impacts both mental and physical health, manifesting as irritability, anxiety, chronic pain, and relentless exhaustion, signaling that our body needs urgent care to avoid deteriorating further.

Staying too long in the Red Zone can lead to a progression into the Freeze/Trauma State, where stress takes an even bigger toll, resulting in numbness and complete depletion. Recognizing your position on the Stress Continuum is crucial in taking steps toward recovery and balance. Taking a simple quiz can provide insights into your stress level and offer personalized guidance on moving back to a healthier state.

How Adaptable are You?

How Adaptable are You?

How adaptable are you?

That's not a question I would have asked myself 10 years ago. 

Now I ask myself this question a lot and here is why.

Healthy people that thrive in a world that is constantly changing, adapt quickly and efficiently.
My desire is to be healthy, how about you?

What is being adaptable really mean?

We have this awesome autonomic nervous system with this alarm in our brain stem called neuroception- it’s our threat detector that tells our body whether we are safe, in danger, or if something could be life-threatening. 

Stressors are what we call threats or triggers that may set off our alarm. Now, not all stressors are big and bad. There are positive stressors. Like doing something new: for example, getting married, having a baby, or going on vacation. All of these are exciting, but they can be stressful to our body.

There is also what we call eustress which is like exercises- exercises are any action that is done to improve your health or help you grow- this could be spiritually, emotionally, or physically. Again, this is considered a good stress- but it is a stress on your body.

There are also dangerous or toxic stressors this could be chemicals, heavy metals, molds, viruses, and even emotions. 

There are internal stressors, and there are external stressors.

Today I will not dive deep into stressors but I will share more about them in the future.

For now, I want you to understand that stressors turn on the threat detector and lead to stress in the body.

Of course, how adaptable you are affects how quickly your body feels threatened. The more adaptable the more stressors you can handle before going into a stressed state. The more adaptable the less time you spend in the stressed state. 

Stress is a natural response. 
Staying stressed is not. 
It's a sign that your system is maladaptive.

Too much stress, stress for too long, or stress that comes on too fast can lead to trauma- this response causes us to move into the Freeze State- which is a parasympathetic shutdown state. And causes what is known as the cell danger response. 

When our cells move into the cell danger response for too long, we have symptoms. Signs that our body is no longer adapting to stressors and is now turning on the symptom alarm to get your attention. 

Symptoms that continue because of the cell danger response- inflammation, pain, fatigue, metabolic issues, depression, fog, and rashes then lead to chronic diseases. Unless you become more adaptable. 

This brings us back to the question.

How adaptable are you?

Most of us like to see something that tells us how adaptive we are, I know I do!

That’s why I love using bioenergetic scans like the Zyto Insights that use voice frequency and kinetic response to generate what is known as a spark- it’s like your fingerprint in time. 

This spark is then put into an algorithm, which measures your body's ability in real-time to adapt to different common stressors and then gives you an adaptability index score.

The lower the score the less adaptable you are.
The higher the score the more adaptable you are.

If you are curious to learn your adaptability index score. I am happy to help you. Just click learn more below.

If you would like to learn more about adaptability and using the Zyto Insights scan to support your body through the holidays, I have a Masterclass that you can watch on YouTube with more information to help you on your health and wellness journey.