5 Signs You Are Overwhelmed

5 Signs You Are Overwhelmed

How much stress are you under?

It's hard to tell sometimes, but I've got some signs that can help you figure out whether you're feeling overwhelmed.

5 Signs You Are Overwhelmed

Sign #1

The first sign is the feeling of being overwhelmed. If you're having trouble focusing on your work, or if it feels like there are too many things coming at you at once, your brain might be telling you that it's time to take a breather.

Sign #2

The second sign is difficulty sleeping or eating well. This goes hand-in-hand with the first sign—if your brain is overloaded, it's going to have trouble processing other things like what foods are good for you and how much sleep you need.

Sign #3

The third sign is feeling depressed or anxious about the future. If things seem bleak and hopeless, this could be because your brain doesn't know how else to cope with all of its stressors.

Sign #4

The fourth sign is feeling physically ill from lack of sleep or poor nutrition—or just feeling generally worn down because your body isn't getting what it needs in order to function optimally.

Sign #5

The fifth sign is physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches that can't be explained by something else (like an infection). These symptoms might be related to stress itself rather than any specific.

If you are feeling overwhelmed - your body is overstressed and it's asking for help. It can only stay in this highly stressed state for so long before your system either shuts down- Blue Zone: Trauma/Freeze or you use a self-care tool to bring your stress down.

If you are still not sure how stressed you are- take my free quiz.

#1 Self-Care Tool To Help YOU Move Out of Overwhelm

Looking for the #1 self-care tool to help you move out of overwhelm? 

Take a deep breath! 
And then do it again and again.

I know it seems too simple to work, but it works. If you would like to learn how you can take the breath and magnify it with an essential oil and release the depleting emotion- overwhelm join me in the Fill My Cup FB group where I just did a video, showing you how.

❤️Shawna Cale, PT, LCTI, CHHWC
Stress Expert

Why is Addiction Highest During the Holidays?

Why is Addiction Highest During the Holidays?

What is an addiction?

An addiction is when one is physically or mentally dependent on a particular substance, thing, or activity. One cannot stop without adverse effects- withdrawal symptoms, physical or mental changes, cravings, and being dependent on it is causing some type of negative effect- spiritual, emotional, and/or physical.

 top 10 addictions 

1. Coffee
2. Sugar
3. Food
4. Tobacco and Nicotine
5. Alcohol
6. Illegal and Prescription Drugs
7. Sex
8. Gambling
9. Screens- TV, Internet, Social Media, Video Games
10. Work

Holiday Statistics?

The most common roots of addiction are chronic stress, trauma, and a family history of addiction. According to the Center for Disease Control, 80% of Americans report having more overwhelming stress during the holidays, over 25% of Americans report feeling more depressed, and 62% moderately anxious during the season. Both depression and anxiety directly contribute to increased addictive behaviors. Studies have shown alcohol alone to increase by 29% during the holidays and sugary treats and food become the focal point with an increase of 440 calories per day. Studies show that addictive behaviors started during the holiday season continue the first 3 months of the year - for example increase in calorie average goes up another 450 calories with a total increase of almost 900 calories compared to the July to November average.

What is a Coping Mechanism?

Difficult experiences from our past can leave an impact on the way we perceive and react today. In response to these stressful situations, we may have learned to behave in ways that “protect” us from pain. These are known as coping mechanisms and happen automatically through our Autonomic Nervous System- specifically the sympathetic side. Coping mechanisms are often helpful in the short term to lower stress - a cigarette, an alcoholic drink, or a piece of chocolate but can become unhealthy patterns that cause more stress, pain, and suffering (aka: addiction). Even though addiction is usually not good for us, we become attached to the coping mechanism as part of who we are and our own personal worldview and rarely see it as an addiction.

If you are struggling with an addiction, it’s important to know that recovery and healing are possible, and with it comes greater freedom, joy, and well-being. 

Below I share resources to help you on your journey from addiction to freedom. 

Stress Expert

P.S. In January the theme of the Exceptional Holistic Health Masterclasses is Freedom From Emotional Eating and Addiction.*

*Become an Exceptional Holistic Health Member today by starting with the 21-Day Journey Trauma to Safety course and receive all January Masterclasses for FREE. Go here to learn more: https://shawnacale.com/21-day-journey

How Adaptable are You?

How Adaptable are You?

How adaptable are you?

That's not a question I would have asked myself 10 years ago. 

Now I ask myself this question a lot and here is why.

Healthy people that thrive in a world that is constantly changing, adapt quickly and efficiently.
My desire is to be healthy, how about you?

What is being adaptable really mean?

We have this awesome autonomic nervous system with this alarm in our brain stem called neuroception- it’s our threat detector that tells our body whether we are safe, in danger, or if something could be life-threatening. 

Stressors are what we call threats or triggers that may set off our alarm. Now, not all stressors are big and bad. There are positive stressors. Like doing something new: for example, getting married, having a baby, or going on vacation. All of these are exciting, but they can be stressful to our body.

There is also what we call eustress which is like exercises- exercises are any action that is done to improve your health or help you grow- this could be spiritually, emotionally, or physically. Again, this is considered a good stress- but it is a stress on your body.

There are also dangerous or toxic stressors this could be chemicals, heavy metals, molds, viruses, and even emotions. 

There are internal stressors, and there are external stressors.

Today I will not dive deep into stressors but I will share more about them in the future.

For now, I want you to understand that stressors turn on the threat detector and lead to stress in the body.

Of course, how adaptable you are affects how quickly your body feels threatened. The more adaptable the more stressors you can handle before going into a stressed state. The more adaptable the less time you spend in the stressed state. 

Stress is a natural response. 
Staying stressed is not. 
It's a sign that your system is maladaptive.

Too much stress, stress for too long, or stress that comes on too fast can lead to trauma- this response causes us to move into the Freeze State- which is a parasympathetic shutdown state. And causes what is known as the cell danger response. 

When our cells move into the cell danger response for too long, we have symptoms. Signs that our body is no longer adapting to stressors and is now turning on the symptom alarm to get your attention. 

Symptoms that continue because of the cell danger response- inflammation, pain, fatigue, metabolic issues, depression, fog, and rashes then lead to chronic diseases. Unless you become more adaptable. 

This brings us back to the question.

How adaptable are you?

Most of us like to see something that tells us how adaptive we are, I know I do!

That’s why I love using bioenergetic scans like the Zyto Insights that use voice frequency and kinetic response to generate what is known as a spark- it’s like your fingerprint in time. 

This spark is then put into an algorithm, which measures your body's ability in real-time to adapt to different common stressors and then gives you an adaptability index score.

The lower the score the less adaptable you are.
The higher the score the more adaptable you are.

If you are curious to learn your adaptability index score. I am happy to help you. Just click learn more below.

If you would like to learn more about adaptability and using the Zyto Insights scan to support your body through the holidays, I have a Masterclass that you can watch on YouTube with more information to help you on your health and wellness journey.

Energy for the Holidays

Energy for the Holidays

WHY are we stressed-out, overwhelmed, and worn-out?

The holidays are coming up fast, and we're so busy! Between work, family obligations, shopping for those last-minute gifts, and just trying to keep our heads above water,  It's easy to feel stressed out and overwhelmed. You feel you can't get ahead—you've got so many things on your plate and you don't even know where to start. 

But the worst is when we are worn-out and have no energy to do the things we love with those we love.

We often think we just need to drink more water, and eat more food, but the truth is we have no energy because our body is saying "all of this is too much for me." We have moved from the stress state (energy) to the trauma/freeze state (no energy). 

I wish I could say drink more caffeine, eat more sugar, go for a walk and you will have more energy. But, if your body has shut down- those things only stress it for a moment (energy burst) and then you crash again.

HOW can we have more energy for the Holidays?

You can give your body what it needs: safety, support and build your capacity to handle more, and do more. Instead of crashing, you spend more time doing the things you enjoy during the holiday season and all year long.

I have a wonderful course that you can do between now and the end of the year called the 21-Day Journey Trauma to Safety that teaches you the Essential Steps through Your Nervous System to Address Stored Trauma in Your Body.

WHAT my favorite drink is to help me and why?

Once your body feels safe, it is time to support your body and one of my favorite drinks during the holidays is NingXia Red for these 3 Reasons:

  1. It's Easy!
  2. It's Delicious!
  3. All the Wonderful Benefits!
If you would like to know more about the wonderful benefits of NingXia Red click here. 

Or check out my Masterclass below where I share all about the benefits and the research on this wonderful drink.

Ready to get started with the 21-Day Journey Trauma to Safety- Click Here.
Ready to get started with NingXia Red- Click Here.
Don't miss the next 3 FREE Masterclasses and Q & A in November- Click Here.

In the Beginning...

In the Beginning...
Do you think Stress Has been around since the beginning of time?

Most have heard the creation story in the Bible. My question is...


We read in Genesis 1 that God made man and woman in His image. He gave us dominion over all animals. He gave us plants to eat.


(If you would like to hear the rest of the story instead of reading it- I share the video version here.)
stress, eustress
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