New Year! New Word!

Happy New Year!

I love new beginnings and that’s how I choose to think of the New Year! The New Year brings the opportunity to create new habits, new routines, and new ways of thinking- this week a new positive mindset.

If you haven’t read 3 Positive Mindsets for 2023click here.

Today is a great time to reflect on what we did this past year and what we hope to accomplish this next year. One way I have found helpful is to choose a word for the year. A WORD is an easy way to organize and focus my thoughts on what I would like to accomplish. Helps keep me motivated when things become overwhelming. 

New Year! New Word! 


In December I did several masterclasses with the word peace in them. I had no idea at the time that I would end up picking the word PEACE for 2023.

There was something about this quote I found: Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there's no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom that really tugged at my heart. I knew this is where I wanted to put my focus in 2023.

I believe we are spiritual, emotional, and physical beings and when all 3 are connected - in sync - we have that 
perfect harmony- peace.


I know spiritually that Jesus is my peace. He lives within me and the Holy Spirit leads me when I listen. 
There it is. How often do I have spiritual war within because I am resisting the Holy Spirit rather than allowing Him to lead me? 

The WORD peace this year will help remind me that for my spiritual health I am committed to starting my morning in prayer with He who is the Prince of Peace and meditate on His Word- (I started The Jesus Bible 365-Day Devotional Reading Plan inside my YouVersion App this morning- if you would like to join me 
click here.)


As an emotional being- our emotions is what I believe connects our spirit with our physical body. So often I find myself in a more emotionally stressed state than the stress-free state of peace and calmness. 

The WORD peace this year will help remind me that for my emotional health I am committed to becoming aware of my emotional state- am I in the Blue Zone: Thriving, Yellow Zone: Fight, Green Zone: Flight, Red Zone: Overwhelmed or Blue Zone: Trauma/Freeze. (If you would like to know your default stressed state you can take the How Stressed Are You? Quiz by clicking here.)

Once I know how I am feeling emotionally I can ask myself how can I best support myself today to feel more safe, more calm, more peace?


Our physical body is amazing. It is the vessel, the temple that holds our spiritual and emotional beings within. We ask so much of it and often we find that it feels like a war has occurred. Our spiritual and emotional states affect our physical state as much as the physical activities we do, the food we eat and the years of wear and tear on our physical bodies. 

The WORD peace this year will help remind me that for my physical health I am committed to finding the balance between physical activity and physical rest. Supporting my physical body with exercise, sleep, hydration, nutrition - as well as living out my purpose, investing my time in my family, my clients and my community and having fun by choosing new experiences and healthy habits. 

I am excited for 2023! I am excited to live a life of more peace and less stress. 

Do you have a WORD for the Year?
I would love for you to share your WORD of the year with me. 

❤️Shawna Cale, PT, LCTI, CHHWC
Stress Expert


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