Today is the day of New Year's Resolutions!!!
What if instead of setting a New Year's Resolution of weight loss, exercise, or drinking more water? Which are all great, but often go by the wayside in mid-January you set a New Year's Resolution of taking full responsibility for who you become in 2022.
Instead of your New Year's resolution focusing on what to do, you focus on who you want to become and what you have control over to get there.
What if we looked at our choices and actions and recognized the consequences that came from them and say, “I could have done... and the result might have been different. Next time, I will do...”
Taking full responsibility doesn’t mean you have to let your inner critic tell you all the things you have done wrong. Instead, it’s the opportunity for your compassionate and understanding self to say- “good job for empowering yourself with a new choice next time instead of becoming a victim of your circumstances or blaming others for your results.”
I invite you to set your New Year’s Resolution to become the Exceptional YOU - one that takes full responsibility for who you are today and who you can become tomorrow on your own personal health journey.
Then ask yourself, who do I want to be in 2022?
Maybe it’s a woman who weighs 20 lbs less than the woman you are today.
What does a woman who takes full responsibility for where she is at today do to change?
Maybe she sets an exercise goal for the month
or a goal to kick a sugar habit or drink less soda pop.
- Maybe you take full responsibility for not following through on goals you have set and give yourself grace for what you haven’t done and start congratulating yourself for the little things you have done.
- Maybe you take full responsibility for the stress you are in and take care of yourself in a way that allows you to release stress and love yourself in a way that says, I deserve to be the woman I want to be.
When you take full responsibility, it can feel a bit overwhelming. We often want to find fault in our past and stay there. But, it can also be a feeling of empowerment because when we acknowledge our faults and that we are where we are because of our choices, we can choose to change and grow.
The next step is the willingness to change. So often we want something different, yet we are afraid of change.
Once you take full responsibility for your life and the willingness to change, you will see the new actions to take to get the results you desire. Instead of thinking “I should...” you begin to think “I could...” When you don’t get the result you want, you go back to “I could have done... and the result might have been different. Next time, I will do...”
Who are you going to become in 2022?
Exceptional You,
Shawna Cale, PT, LCTI, CHHWC
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