Hello, June! 

Can you believe summer is just around the corner?! Do you have any fun summer plans? 

My goal this summer is to enjoy everyday opportunities:
  • Time at the pool with the family. 
  • Lake time and BBQ'ing.
  • Morning sunrises
  • Evening walks. 

    One thing I've learned through the years is that it takes energy to do all the things I love to do. 

    How about you?

    If you have been feeling like you don't have the energy to do the things you love with those you love. Keep reading. You can change that this summer.😀
And we don't want to forget about the men in our lives as we celebrate Father's Day this month.

Young Living is celebrating with a SALE to celebrate the Father's!!
Starting today June 1st- June 5th you can SAVE 15% off almost everything. 
(Sale does not include the New Simplified by Jacob + Kait Summer Collection.)
When you make a one-time SHOP order of 100 PV minimum, they will give you the 15% discount automatically. SALE ends 11:59 pm MT on June 5th.

When you make a one-time order or a Loyalty Reward Order, you have the opportunity to earn some gifts with your purchase. 
The Roller Set looks beautiful and my husband was just looking for Sulfurzyme yesterday- 
not sure how we ran out, but it is a must for the summer!! 

And Purification it's my daily "keep the bugs at bay" favorite summer oil and it's great for releasing ANGER too. 

And if you have never tried Bergamot you are in for a real treat!!!
(Check out all these fun recipes)

Now here's what I am most excited about for this SUMMER!!! My quarterly Fill My Cup Online Retreat. 

You are invited to the Fill My Cup with More Energy Summer Retreat!!!

Each day you will learn a new energy technique that has been proven to increase your energy. By the end of the week, you will have the tools to boost your energy and have a great summer enjoying life.

Let's make June a Stress-Less Month
Where are you on the Stress Continuum?
I am super passionate about helping people lower their stress. 
Finding out where you spend more time on the Stress Continuum will help you know the steps
you can take this summer to break the cycle and have a thriving life filled with more fun and energy.
Follow me on IG/FB and YouTube to learn more about the Stress Continuum.

Curious What Your Body Needs?
Get Your FREE Insights Scan this month.

You will learn what products, and services will help balance your body. What systems need the most support and the stressors affecting your health. 

I am hosting a Group Zyto Coaching Zoom Call the 28th of June. Get your scan and you will receive an invite and may just win a FREE Zyto Report and Review during the call. 

Have an Energy-Filled June,
From my heart to yours,


Copyright Shawna Cale