Get Ready To Take Control Of Your Health & Wellness
Regain balance in your life.

My Wellness Services
❤️Exceptional Balance Session
❤️Lymphatic Detox Session
❤️Touch for Health Session
❤️Healing Touch Session
❤️Sacred Space Session
❤️Raindrop Technique
❤️Functional Exercise
❤️HeartMath Session
❤️Emotional Release
❤️Insights Zyto Scan
❤️Physical Therapy
❤️Ionic Foot Bath

Exceptional Wellness Balance Session
3 hours
This is a 3-hour personal healing session where we will go through multiple modalities (pretty much anything I have learned in my 30 years as a health practitioner- see individual modalities below that could be a part of this session based on what your body needs) to clear stressors blocking you from reaching your goals and bring balance to the holistic YOU. 
($300 or 6 Credits)

Exceptional Balance Session

"I walked in feeling so lost and just not feeling like I mattered. Shawna was so great and amazing at asking AND listening to what I had to say. I didn't really know what muscle testing (kinesiology) was going to do or how it would really help, but she is great at explaining and helping you understand. It was a place I felt safe to say what I was thinking and be all of me. After learning and then doing the muscle testing, I was able to learn where I needed to focus my energy. I now have a healing path to take. It will be a long road, but I am confident I can do this and will have an unconditional love for myself, and know "I matter." With all the "past drama" left behind in the rearview mirror and never allow it to return." ~ Leslie

I absolutely loved my balance session with Shawna. We were able to get to some emotions that were blocked going back to when I was in 6th grade. It was so relaxing, educational, and interesting all at the same time. Recognizing and releasing these trapped emotions is the goal and Shawna is the best at getting you to understand and accomplish that goal. Can't wait to go again." ~ Penny

Shawna is a God-send to hurting people, and she certainly helped me today uncover some emotions that I thought I had dealt with decades ago. She helped me meet them face on and move them out so I can go forward to accomplish what God would have me do. Shawna has been trained well to use appropriate tools and resources to find trouble areas. But the secret sauce is how well she taps into her intuition to complement what the graphs and programs reveal. I highly recommend a session with Shawna if you feel you’re at a crossroads without a clear path ahead! Thank you Shawna!!!

Lymphatic Detox Session
1 1/2 hours

In this healing session, we will target the body's lymphatic system (the garbage disposal and holding tank for toxins and fat) with essential oils and hands on technique that promotes a unique cleansing process. If these toxins are not released out of the body, the entire system can become sluggish, which may result in sickness and disease. Some of the potential issues can be: edema, weight gain, allergies, lack of energy, and many other issues resulting from a blocked system. Some of the amazing results from past client's experiences include more energy, reduction in cellulite, better circulation, improved digestion, and immune system.  (Included at the end is an Ionic Foot Bath Session - no extra charge)
($150 or 3 Credits)

Touch for Health® Session
2 hours
   Touch For Health® kinesiology is a holistic wellness approach using a system of setting goals and clearing stressors, causing an imbalance within the whole person; spiritual, emotional, and physical. This is achieved through the balancing of posture and subtle energies through dialogue, muscle testing, and touch reflexes to connect with the body’s natural capacity to rebalance using principles of acupressure, neuorlymphatic points, neurovascular holding points, meridians, acupressure holding points, nutrition, and more. Clients have released past trauma and chronic pain they had been holding for over 20 years. 
($200 or 4 Credits)

Healing Touch Session
1 hour
   Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing, heart-centered energy therapy that uses gentle, intentional touch that helps balance spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. Healing Touch is a collection of standardized, noninvasive techniques that clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields. Healing Touch helps create a coherent and balanced energy field, supporting one’s inherent ability to heal. It is safe for all ages and works in harmony with standard medical care. Research suggests Healing Touch is beneficial in reducing stress, calming anxiety, and reducing symptoms of depression, decreasing pain, strengthening the immune system, deepening spiritual connection, supporting cancer care, and supporting resiliency.
($100 or 2 Credits)

Sacred Space Session
1 hour
Clear spiritual, emotional, physical systems as you relax in a peaceful and safe environment: Utilizing Sacred Space™ techniques and authentic essential oils during a relaxing and releasing back and head massage. This massage can assist in clearing the energy systems of the body/mind that influence all health and effects of memories, traumas, wounds, & stuck emotions. 
($100 or 2 Credits)

Raindrop Healing Technique
1 hour
Raindrop Technique combines the art of aromatherapy with techniques of Vita Flex and massage applied with a sequence of immune supporting essential oils like raindrops to the back. Raindrop originated in the 1980s through the research of Dr. D. Gary Young. Raindrop is a powerful, non-invasive tool integrating the art of aromatic science with the technique of Vitaflex and gentle applications of therapeutic grade oils on the feet and back. The intention of the Raindrop Technique is to stimulate every organ, muscle, and bone at a cellular level, bringing the body into structural and electrical balance, enabling the release of toxins wherever they may be. This may include those lodged in the mind and emotions. 
($100 or 2 Credits)

Functional Exercise
1 hour
Functional exercises focus on building a body capable of doing real-life activities in real-life positions- not just lifting a certain amount of weight at the gym. For example, you may have a great workout at the gym; you bench-pressed more weight than ever before. But then later you throw your back out lifting a 50-pound suitcase. So what happened? In all likelihood, you're not strengthening your body in functional movements used every day- squatting, lifting, reaching, walking, etc.
($100 or 2 Credits)

HeartMath Session
30 Minutes

As a HeartMath Certified Practitioner for Stress, Anxiety, and Emotional Regulation through The Institute for Better Health (IBH) and HeartMath. This session will include the use of the Inner Balance (HRV biofeedback device) with simple techniques to connect with your heart to manage stress, anxiety and regulate emotions while training the autonomic nervous system. This is an Evidence-based technique providing objective and measurable ways to see improvements in physiological and behavioral functioning. 
($50 or 1 Credit)
Emotional Release Session
1 1/2 hours

Release buried or stuck emotions with the use of fast-acting essential oils: Research has shown that intense and long-term stress can cause a number of physical health problems. During an Emotional Release session, essential oils and blends are both applied and inhaled. These blends are formulated for their potential properties in the whole body. Releasing buried or stuck emotions can clear pathways to greater health. The use of fast-acting essential oils enhances emotional clearing.
($150 or 3 Credits)
Insights Zyto Scan and Consultation
1 hour

The Insights Zyto Scan will be performed prior to your online or in-person consultation. During the hour, together we will build a 30-60-90 day Wellness Plan based on the findings from your Adaptability Report to include essential oils and supplements to balance your spiritual (energetic), emotional, and physical (functional) beings. We will go over Wellness Services that could be beneficial to reaching your goals. Reviewing the Systems Report- looking at the Foundational Systems and Lifestyle Areas that need the most support. Reviewing the underlying stressors and a plan to lower the stress on your systems. 

During the consultation, I will use my skills as a health detective to piece together the puzzle pieces with you. In the end, you will have a complete 2-page report with a detailed plan. (This is not a diagnostic scan)
($100 or 2 Credits)

Special Notes: 
Your First Zyto Scan and Consultation is FREE.
The Insights Zyto Scan is FREE to my Young Living Team Members and Exceptional Holistic Health Members- Text SCAN to 405-655-5424.
Consultation fee to go over your scan after the first free one. 

Physical Therapy
1 hour
As a physical therapist since 1993, life coach, and certified holistic health and wellness coach, my goal is to help my clients get to the root cause of their physical pain and ailments so they can enjoy a full life of holistic health- spiritually, emotionally, and physically doing the things they love to do with those they love. My expertise has been in women's health, postural assessments and treatment, muscle energy techniques for lumbopelvic pain for the low-back and sacroiliac dysfunction, lymphatic techniques, fascia release, applied kinesiology and overall treatment of pain along with functional exercise and rehabilitative pilates home exercise program. In the state of Oklahoma, we have Direct Access, meaning you do not need a referral from a physician for the first 30 days of treatment. If your condition requires physician care, I will refer you to your primary care provider or appropriate health provider. 
($100 or 2 Credits)

Special Note: Self-pay only. I do not accept insurance.

Ionic Foot Bath Detox Session
30 minutes 

The Ionic Foot Bath system uses controlled circuits of electricity, natural Himalayan salt, and balancing essential oils to infuse your body with health-boosting negative ions, While soaking your feet in the ion-rich water, your body absorbs these negatively charged molecules. The molecules will work deep in your body systems to cleanse built-up environmental toxins and the residue of stress and emotion. Negative ions are naturally present when you are outdoors with trees and flowers, flowing water, and fresh earth. The Ionic Foot Bath infuses your tissues with these ions, which continue to work for hours and days afterward. Results include balancing hormones for women, sleeplessness & restlessness, skin issues, including wrinkles and acne, yeast infections, assisting healing and recovery from injury or surgery. 
($50 or 1 Credits)

Special Note: This session comes free and recommended with the Lymphatic Detox Session.
Free Consultation

Let's chat! Set up a free 15-minute consultation with me to see what service is right for you.


Copyright Shawna Cale