Stress is the #1 Cause of Disease.
Limiting Beliefs are the #1 Cause of Stress.
Find YOUr Limiting Core Belief.
Find What is Blocking YOU From Reaching Your Goal.

Muscle Test to Assess what Limiting Core Belief is Blocking.

Step 1A: Ask, "Is a Limiting Core Belief in column A blocking me from reaching my goal?" No, go to Step 1 B. Yes, go to Step 2.
Step 1B: Ask, "Is a Limiting Core Belief in column B blocking me from reaching my goal?" No, go to Emotional. Yes, go to Step 2.
Write A or B on piece of paper.
Example: A

Step 2A:  Ask, "Is the Limiting Core Belief in an odd row?" No, go to Step 2B. Yes, go to Step 3.
Step 2B:  Ask, "Is the Limiting Core Belief in an even row? No, go to Emotional. Yes, go Step 3.

Step 3:  Ask, "Is the Limiting Core Belief in row 1,3,5 or 2,4,6?" (depending on odd or even)
Write the number on a piece of paper.
Example: A-3

Step 4:  Now that you know which box your Limiting Belief is in, ask "Is the Limiting Core Belief #1, #2, #3, #4, #5.  
Write the # and Limiting Core Belief on a piece of paper.
Example: Code A-3-3 "I am Stuck"

Step 5: Take Code to Empowering Core Beliefs to find the flip side.


Copyright Shawna Cale