A journey through healing and transformation
I had the privilege of guiding a group of four amazing women through an Emotional Release Practice Session inspired by the teachings from the Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils book. The session was filled with profound moments of insight, healing, and connection.
1. Releasing "Shut Down" (See Graphic Below)
One of the women shared her desire to release the feeling of being "shut down." I explained that this often correlates with the Freeze/Trauma State, a protective mechanism of the nervous system that arises after too much stress for too long or too fast. When we’re stuck in this state, it’s vital to help the nervous system transition out of it.
We worked through the emotional release for Shut Down (see the graphics below for reference).
- Visualizations: One woman had a vivid experience of running into Jesus’s arms and being joyfully swirled around, symbolizing freedom and love.
- Scent Reactions: Another participant found the scent of Patchouli overwhelming and opted for Peppermint, which led us to the emotion of Restriction.
2. Exploring Restriction (See Graphic Below)
Peppermint guided us to address restriction, both physically and emotionally. Many of us felt tension in the upper shoulders and neck, a common area for stored emotional and physical restrictions.
We walked through the emotional release process:
- Some participants experienced increased mobility, while others noticed temporary pain or discomfort—a sign of the nervous system awakening.
3. Addressing Hurt (See Graphic Below)
Discomfort in the neck and shoulders led us to explore the emotion of hurt through the body’s alarm points. We discovered that hurt is tied to the process of moving from stagnation (shut down) to flow (creativity).
We used Orange essential oil to work through the emotional release.
- After the Release:
- Participants noticed reduced pain in their neck and shoulders.
- A collective sense of relief and emotional shift was felt throughout the group.
4. Releasing Abandonment (See Graphic Below)
Another participant was curious about her persistent low back pain. Using the alarm points technique, we identified the small intestine as the focal area and connected it to the emotion of abandonment.
- Release Process: We worked through releasing abandonment with the essential oil associated with this emotion.
- Outcomes: This brought clarity and relief to the participant, helping her understand how emotions and physical sensations are intertwined.
5. Envisioning Movement Beyond Overwhelm (See Graphic Below)
One participant, feeling aligned with all the releases, shared that overwhelm was her recurring emotional state. We discussed how it’s common to hover on the border between shut down and overwhelm. I explained that shut down can provide a sense of safety, but tools like emotional release can help us move out of overwhelm and toward the "green zone" of energy and mobility.
Reflections and Challenge
This session beautifully illustrated how emotions, physical sensations, and essential oils work in harmony to guide the body through its natural healing processes. Whether it’s moving through pain or finding joy in mobility, each step reflects profound growth and transformation.
At the end of the session, I challenged the group to select the emotional release they resonated with most and practice it daily for 30 days. We will reconvene in a month to share progress and continue the journey.
If you would like to join any of our Emotional Release Practice Sessions feel free to email me at
shawna@shawnacale.com and I can let you know the date of any upcoming sessions.