Emotional Release

Release Emotional Patterns, Reduce Stress, and Embrace Healing

Discover how essential oils can help you release emotional patterns stored in your body, support your nervous system, and foster holistic  healing. 
Explore tools, resources, and my personal journey to emotional freedom.
How to Release Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils
In this session, I explore the connection between stress, emotional patterns, and the nervous system. 
I share my personal story of overcoming 20 years of lower right back pain when I did my first emotional release at a class in March 2012. 
I was taught how to use the book Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils by Dr. Carolyn Mein

Recommended resources

Tools to Support Your Emotional Healing

Oils Look Up on phone or Computer

Google Documents:
Below is currently a work in progress. 
I am adding Emotions and Oils to the pages daily.
Click the buttons below to find more information on both emotions and essential oils.

I compiled this information from lots of different resources including Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils by Carolyn Mein, D.C., Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman,  Heal Your Body by Louise Hay, along with Stacy Tiegs Quick References – Understanding What Are Stressors,  and A quick guide to understanding Zyto Insights stressors by Vicki Merrill, zyto.com, and other online sources.

The information provided on this page is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new wellness practice.


Copyright Shawna Cale