Zyto Insights
Wellness Services

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I am adding Wellness Services and Recommendations to the pages daily.
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Okay...be honest...You opened up your ZytoInsights Pro Systems Report, saw all the crazy unfamiliar stressors, and panicked a wee bit. The goal is not to stress you out more, but to use the information to lower your stress load.

First, let's define the term “stressor.”

Stressor comes from situations that cause stress...and we are surrounded by them all the time. 

Stressors can be a mixed blessing though, some of them being good for us, and allowing us to survive, and others can cause problems, imbalances, and a decline in our ability to live our best life.

There are two types of stressors addressed in the report – physiological and psychological. 

Physiological Stressor

A physiological stressor is something that affects your physical body, like pain or discomfort from an injury or illness. 

It can also come from your environment such as loud noises, chemicals, viruses, food, pollution. 

Psychological Stressor

Psychological stress is often negative, but it can also be the thing that pushes you to succeed, motivating you to do hard things, grow and change.

Absolute versus Relative

Stressors can also be absolute or relative. Absolute stressors are something that everyone would find stressful in the negative sense of the word. Relative stress is subjective and individual.

There are also stressors like family-relationships, job demands, divorce, death, lack of exercise, money, etc.

Regular exercise, diet, and emotional health are all important in managing stress. 

Meditation, yoga, and just learning to say “No” are also great options. 

I am slowly learning that “No” is a complete sentence and it frees me up to live my best “Yes”.

I compiled this information from lots of different resources including Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils by Carolyn Mein, D.C., Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman,  Heal Your Body by Louise Hay, along with Stacy Tiegs Quick References – Understanding What Are Stressors,  and A quick guide to understanding Zyto Insights stressors by Vicki Merrill, zyto.com, and other online sources.


Copyright Shawna Cale