The 21-Day Reset
July 11th-31st, 2022
Create the daily space you need to be the thriving woman you were created to be
The 21-Day Reset is a program designed to teach you how to use the breath to release stress, anxiety and overwhelm from your body and your life. 

It is possible!
The answer is in the Nervous System.
See, we all have a dominant stress response when we are triggered.
You may have heard of the fight, flight, and freeze responses.

Most people are a mix, but will also have one dominant stress response.

Freeze Response
Feel stuck in life and in a constant state of indecision. 
Feels blank and says "I don't know" a lot.

Fight Response
Feels powerless against the inner self and is fighting or yelling with those she loves or gritting her teeth to avoid exploding.

Flight Response
Constantly busy. Often unable to stop and switch off, they lose themselves in tasks or might also use tasks to avoid stressful triggers. 

Apologizes a lot. Cycle between feeling like they are a burden and/or not doing enough for others. Overwhelmed with daily life.

Restorative State
When you spend most of your time in this state your nervous system is regulated and can handle the stressors of the world.

It is "normal" to feel we can't control the way we react when we are stressed.

The kids fight, the spouse is upset, the dog pees on the carpet, work is overloaded, laundry is out of hand... we grit our teeth the first 10 times and then we explode. Even if we promised we would have a better day today.

We avoid conversations with people for fear of getting into disagreements.

Or we feel that anxiety rising up, as we hover over our kids, or jump in trying to "fix" the next problem that arises in our life.

Even if we SEE ourselves doing it... we cannot change the way we feel- the way we react in those stressful moments.
This is where the breathwork comes in.
Your daily reality CAN be completely different.

In this 21-Day Reset, I will teach you a Breathwork style that releases the habitual stress responses gently over time, which allows us to live with more intention, more presence, more love, peace, and joy.

You will get regulated and stay regulated.

This 21-Day Reset is space for: 

  • The Survivor's fight response to be felt, acknowledged, and then grounded in a safe and integrated way, creating the inner space to respond differently. No longer will she feel like she must resist everything that comes her way to protect herself. No longer will she need to put up a fight to feel safe in an already safe environment and no longer will she feel like she needs to yell to be heard and understood. 
  • The Struggler's flight response to arrive where she is and feel in the present moment. Here she will realize there is nothing she needs to escape from. She is safe - it's okay to just be - worry, the constant go-go, and busy mind will no longer need to be a safety mechanism.
  • The Overwhelmed will begin to get back in touch and committed to themselves, which means they can finally discern where their responsibility begins and ends. She will begin to forgive, let go of anger, and no longer feel the burden of the world on her shoulders. 
  • The Traumatized freeze response will begin to gently set themselves back into motion. To know themselves, to hear their intuition, to feel again, and to trust each step they know is next. No longer will they pull away from their desires, but look ahead to the possibilities. 
What is included
21-Day Guided Breathwork Program
Live daily Breathwork class in the Exceptional Health Masterclass FB Group. Replays will be available inside Xperiencify- the Exceptional Health Masterclass Learning Platform.

Showing up for your practice without missing a day, has NEVER been so effortless nor so fun!
Plus Bonus
21 Days of Access to the Exceptional Health Masterclass Weeks #1-#3 and all the bonus material. 

WEEK #1: Core Focus (Self-Discipline) 
  • Essential Oil (optional): Lemon and/or Surrender
  • Milestone Monday Zoom Call- 10:00 AM - Day 1 Introduction to the Restorative Deep Breathing Technique. Setting an Intention and first 15-minute breathwork session. 
  • Daily LIVE BREATHWORK SESSION with Replay available. 
  • Optional- EHM Training 1: What's Your Why
  • Optional- EHM Training 2: Planning for Success
  • Optional- EHM Training 3: Ex-It!
  • Optional- Bonus Training: Walk
  • Implementation Thursday Zoom Call- 8:00 pm - Group Coaching Call
WEEK #2: Core Focus (Love) 
  • Essential Oil (optional): Release
  • Milestone Monday Zoom Call- 10:00 AM 
  • Daily LIVE BREATHWORK SESSION with Replay available. 
  • Optional- EHM Training 4: Winning Trifecta
  • Optional- EHM Training 5: Growing YOU
  • Optional- EHM Training 6: Beliefs
  • Optional- Bonus Training: Words on Water
  • Implementation Thursday Zoom Call- 8:00 pm - Group Coaching Call
WEEK #3: Core Focus (Gentleness) 
  • Essential Oil (optional): Trauma Life
  • Milestone Monday Zoom Call- 10:00 AM 
  • Daily LIVE BREATHWORK SESSION with Replay available. 
  • Optional- EHM Training 7: New Thoughts
  • Optional- EHM Training 8: Power of Words
  • Optional- EHM Training 9: Emotional Intelligence
  • Optional- Bonus Training: The Power of Words
  • Implementation Thursday Zoom Call- 8:00 pm - Group Coaching Call


Q: How much time will I need to complete the program?
A: Minimum- You will need to invest 30 minutes a day (this can be when you wake up, during the LIVE or before you fall asleep). 
A: Optional- You will have access to 2 group coaching calls (replays) each week (1-1/2 hours each) and 9 Self-Paced Trainings (Each training ~15 minutes).

Q: What do I need to do this 21-Day Reset?
A: You will need assess to the internet through your phone or computer for the daily breathing sessions that will happen live Day 1 during Zoom Call at 10:00 am CT and days 2-21 in the EHM Facebook Group at 7 am. Replays will be available inside of Xperiencify and in the FB group for the 21 Days. 
A: I highly recommend a journal to write in for the 21-Days. Each day you will write down your intention for the Restorative breathing session (we will discuss setting an intention and I will have weekly and daily intention prompts that I will share during the LIVE session.)

Q: How is this different from the Exceptional Health Masterclass?
A: The Exceptional Health Masterclass (EHM) is a 10-week Group Coaching Program set-up for you to reach a health goal. Once you pay the total price of EHM you have all the trainings for the lifetime of the program. Each EHM session (3-4 each year) we focus on something new. Examples in the past- Lymphatic System, Hormones, Brain, etc. All of these trainings are kept in the Bonus Section of EHM. This session we will be focusing on Breathwork. Starting with the 21-Day Reset in July that is all about Restorative Breathwork, August will be different breathing techniques as we go through Healing Forgiveness, Healing Abandonment, Healing Anger and Healing Pain. I'll be sharing more about the 30 Day Healing Breathwork Program in July. September we will focus on using breathwork in every day life.

Q: What types of Breathwork will you be teaching?
A: The 21-Day Reset will be a restorative breath that intentionally activates the rest and relax response, and is restorative to the physical system. We will resolve and integrate emotional and cognitve experiences, using this very gentle technique. Essential oils are optional, but a great way to wake up the limbic system and connect your longer breathwork practice with shorter daily breathwork.  

If you are interested in learning other breathwork techniques that may be more beneficial for those in the Red Zone- Crisis and or Blue Zone- Trauma you may want to join us in August for our 30 Day Healing Breathwork Program. (Both programs will be added to the EHM Bonus Section for our EHM Members to use anytime)

Q: How long will I have access to the 21-Day Reset Program?
A: You will have access July 11th-31st unless you choose to continue with the August Program and/or the EHM. The reason for this is 2-Fold. (1) When we do something for 21-Days in a row we begin to change habits. Our nervous system creates habits- automatic responses. (2) When we have a specific time frame we are more likely to do it daily. If you need more time I completely understand and you will have the opportunity to continue with us and have access to the 21-Day Reset Program inside of our EHM.

Q: What is the refund policy on the 21-Day Reset?
A: There are no refunds available on this 21-Day Reset.

Q: How long have you been doing breathwork?
A: As a physical therapist, I was educated in several types of breathwork (over 30 years ago- 1991). In 2002 (twenty years ago), I became a Certified Pilates Instructor and received breathwork training. In 2011 (10 years ago), I began using Essential Oils and continued using breathwork in my teachings. In January 2022, I did my first 21-Day Reset program with The Reconnect in Australia. This is where I have learned specific breathing techniques to reset the nervous system - specifically the autonomic nervous system (stress response and cell danger response) that is triggered based on past experiences, trauma and daily habits. 

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Copyright Shawna Cale